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Carrie Quartaro Madderom

A native Midwesterner, home is now a private, enchanted barrier island in southwest Florida.


A former fortune 500 corporate executive, turned award winning seashell artist. Carrie's pieces are as unique as the shells she collects. From weathered and worn, tumbled and fragmented to brilliantly stunning. She intricately pieces them together as if they were always meant to be. This artist's inspiration is cohesively at union with her environment.  It evolves as the sea; ebbing & flowing with its lessons, mystery and beauty.  Without one, there is not the other.


It has been said there is no denying an immediate recognition of Carrie's signature style artistry.  Her appreciation and passion for the seashell; its purpose, journey and beauty pay homage to its afterlife in the form of functional art bearing resemblance to the Italian Grotto; remarkably captivating and timeless. 

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